Monday, February 13, 2012

The Mayor posted on twitter how we have events and conventions, making light of "Three legged fish". THE DANGERS ARE REAL!

He can poke fun and make light of the Rainbow Falls way of life, but people DIE. It's like once it passes, everyone ignores what just happened.

It's all coming out Mayor Vic, Jameson family, you will all be exposed. Notice has been given.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I escaped with my life - barely. 
In a former life, I lived what most would consider to the be dream. I was a highly respected research scientist and a senior partner in a multi-billion dollar research for profit facility. I drank the finest whiskey. I drove the fastest cars. I knew the fastest women! Ahh, those were the days. Nothing was too anything. If we wanted something, we did it or took it. Life was that simple. Then we discovered Atom-12. It was a single molecule unlike anything we had observed or theorized. I had never in my wildest dreams though that a substance like this could exist within our reality. It was the single most exciting discovery in the history of mankind - not since the discovery of fire, but INCLUDING the discovery of fire. This dwarfed everything. There is only a single molecule of Atom-12 known to exist and it is locked deep in the bowels of the facility that was the center of my former life - Jameson Industries. But I'm getting ahead of myself. 
Initially we thought Atom-12 simply a molecule of highly unusual construction. I even considered the possibility it might even be synthetic. It is without dispute, the rarest (only one molecule - it don't get no rarer) and densest element in the universe.This single atom weighs approximately 15 sextillion metric tons (that's actually a little more than double the weight of the earth!) It has it's own gravitational field and we've determined that the reason why it does not crush through the surface of the planet is because the earth is sitting on it - not the other way around! 
As we examined Atom-12 I began to see readings and indications that caused me grave concern. It was emitting a very strange energy, unlike anything we had ever observed before. It was very similar however, to the theories describing the type of energy that would have been released and disbursed when the Big Bang occurred. Working along those lines we examined the molecule further and discovered it at was not a molecule at all. It was in fact a multi-verse that had been consumed into a black hole. The resulting black hole (Atom-12) had consumed matter until it reached a state of equilibrium. Meaning - it is no longer drawing in matter. It is simply sitting in a state of "stasis" (for lack of a better word). 
I warned my partner Jameson that we should not experiment with Atom-12. My belief was that the results would be at best, unpredictable and at worse utterly catastrophic. I hate to say I told you so - but hey! look around you. 
When I threatened to go to the press - my partner had me killed. 

He thought.

That was 40 years ago. I'm coming back, and I will save Rainbow Falls. 


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Okay, I think someone is pulling my leg on this one.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

What's going on at Willow Lake?

Rainbow Falls is less than a mile from Willow Lake. Willow Lake is also where the Jameson Industries Power plant sits. Strange things happen all the time in out little town, and somethings were captured on camera. Take a look at a few of those things.

Our Mayor loves a good fish fry. Ask him why.

The eyes have it.

This thing lived for two days on dry land. Is it a fish or a shark?

Not every visitor is from Texas.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A friend of mine was tending to her free range chickens when she saw this. I'm not going to say it's BIGFOOT because that would be crazy! Then again, stranger things have happened in Rainbow Falls.